Collection: Threading Gel

6 produits
  • Gel de filetage noir 4.5G
    Black Threading Gel 4.5G

Bio Threading Gels are available in 6 different colours. These gels have a high viscosity with  threading properties

Colour CatalogueProduct Guide 
    Gel de filetage noir 4.5G
  • Gel de filetage blanc 4.5G
    White Threading Gel 4.5G

Bio Threading Gels are available in 6 different colours. These gels have a high viscosity with  threading properties
Les Gels Threading Bio Sculpture s
    Gel de filetage blanc 4.5G
  • Gel de filetage argent 4.5G
    Silver Threading Gel 4.5G

Bio Threading Gels are available in 6 different colours. These gels have a high viscosity with  threading properties
Les Gels Threading Bio Sculpture s
    Gel de filetage argent 4.5G
  • Gel de filetage doré 4.5G
    Gold Threading Gel 4.5G

Bio Threading Gels are available in 6 different colours. These gels have a high viscosity with  threading properties
Les Gels Threading Bio Sculpture s
    Gel de filetage doré 4.5G
  • Gel de filetage bleu 4.5G
    Blue Threading Gel 4.5G

Bio Threading Gels are available in 6 different colours. These gels have a high viscosity with  threading properties

Colour CatalogueProduct Guide 
    Gel de filetage bleu 4.5G
  • Gel de filetage rouge 4.5G
    Red Threading Gel 4.5G

Bio Threading Gels are available in 6 different colours. These gels have a high viscosity with  threading properties
Les Gels Threading Bio Sculpture s
    Gel de filetage rouge 4.5G